Sanae El khounchoufi

Personal Profile

Hello, my name is sanae and this is a Profile page that gives an overview of my history and experience in the technology sector, I will mention the technical skills I learned in my journey in tech alongside with the transferable skills i acquired during that journey. at the end of this page, I will explain the reasons that inspired me to return to tech.

Experience History

My love for tech had started at an early age, that was the reason I chose to graduate in computer science and finished my Masters in the same domain. After I graduated I started working in a company in that was specialised in web development, especially with PHP using MVC frameworks like Zend. After that, I started my journey as a wife and a mum but i did not stop learning and graduated in business studies as well. however, In my mind, I knew that I will always return to tech because it's my passion, so I found a job that offered a lot of flexibility which was helpful for a mum like me, I worked with WordPress and used my skills in Php creating plugings that suit client's needs. i learned a language called deluge as well, it helps in modifying clients' CRM functionalities to suit there needs.

Technical skills


Pi worked first as a full stack developer so i had been developing front end as well using HTML.


I have 2 years experience using PhP in backend developemen


Mysql was the first database i worked with, but i had worked as well with Mongodb, i had been doing database modeling and design as well


Javascript was a part of the front end development as a full-stack developer, especially ajax.


I learned IOS development when I was asked to make an application for a client for the company I was working for then. It was a great experience and an opening to the door in mobile development in my career.


CSS was an important part of my career and still now and i want to develop this part of my skillset to profession levels

Soft Skills


Communication is one of my strengths, I had worked in retail as a salesperson and that was a great environment for growth and improvement that helped me a lot.


Teamwork is an important aspect especially in the tech environment, I had been a part of many teams throughout my career and enjoyed the teamwork.


Prioritisation is an important skill in life, and as a student and a working mum, I learned over the years how to prioritise my tasks and manage my time.


I aspire to become the "best version of my self" as Hal Elrod stated in his book The Miracle Morning. I read self-help books because i believe that growth in character, habits, personality and skills is important for success in all aspects of life.

Why return to tech?

tech and especially programming is my passion. when I am coding, I get so focused that I cannot hear my surroundings. I can pass hours on my computer resolving coding problems and get a high sense of satisfaction and achievement when I resolve it. i want to find this satisfaction again and do something I love for a living. Tech offers more flexibility and career progress opportunities, in addition to a good salary rate compared with other domains. for me, it's a win-win situation, I do what I love and earn money for it. I do really miss tech environment it's full of highly intelligent people and have an amazing culture as well, it allows people to meet with people from all the levels in the company. this is some of the reasons I want to return back to tech.